Get Involved

We are actively seeking members and partners who are interested in getting involved with TPOS. There are a variety of pathways for involvement depending on your individual interest, or your agency’s interest, including: contributing data from research projects that are working to better understand the tropical Pacific, contributing observations that directly support or should directly support the sustained observing system, etc. You may also use this form to nominate yourself or a colleague to be considered for a role in one of the TPOS governance groups (i.e., Scientific Advisory Committee, Implementation Coordination Group, Stakeholders Forum).  Complete the form below to express your interest in becoming involved!

If you wish to contact us separately, please send an email to

Get Involved in TPOS

The purpose of this form is to seek input and feedback from the TPOS community (users, beneficiaries, stakeholders) that are not currently part of the program.

I would like to become a member or nominate someone for: (see Project Structure page for more details on the role of each group):
(select all that apply)

For any nominations please include the person's 1) name, 2) email, 3) affiliation, and 4) area of expertise.

Other ways to get involved: